Morning Boost

In relationships, work on improving yourself vs your mate


In a relationship, the person whom you have control over is yourself, so that is who you are supposed to focus on. If you focus on doing little things to improve yourself, you might actually start shifting the energy in your relationship.

The problem is, we sometimes spend so much time focusing on what we don’t like about someone else, that we ignore the things that we do like. I recall my business partner saying to me, “Well you can’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” He was saying that just because someone made an error, you don’t throw them away. He would also apologize for things and then reminded me that he still had some good points in the emotional storage bank.

He had to remind me because, I too, when thing got stressful and irritating, I might flick off. He would say, “don’t nobody want to go up against Ms Tillman and that mouth”. LOL. I have calmed down since then. Lots of meditation has helped.

But all of that said, it is so important to examine yourself in relationships. It takes two people to make a relationship a success. And what I have noticed is that relationships take time, patience, love, understanding, and great communication. You both have to work on growing together in these areas. So, good luck and have fun.


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