

Body Mind Soul Spirit

We specialize in designing intensive retreats that are life changing and transformational. Our customized retreats provide the perfect set of experiences to support the continued unfolding and expansion of who you really are.

All of our retreats are designed by our team especially for you, taking into consideration your unique needs and desires. Our retreats are your chance to sort out your own thoughts and feelings, away from the demands of work, friends and family. You’ll have the focused attention and powerful assistance of the best transformational experts and wellness practitioners in an environment that nurtures the mind, body, soul and spirit. You will be guided through your own darkness, and then illuminate the brilliance of who you truly are.  You will come away with new perspectives, new inspiration and a renewed passion for life.  From that place of connection and power, you can re-create your life from the inside out.

Sometimes when we get spiritually, emotionally or financially off-balance, other parts of us pay the price. Emotions become overwhelming, the mind won’t stop racing, and the body develops signs of illness. Those are all signals that it’s time to find time for spiritual growth, and one of the best ways to do that is with a healing retreat such as the retreats offered by Totally Rorree International.

You will unlock your inner wisdom and transform your inner struggle and rise into your fullest potential.

Recipe 4 Prosperity Retreat (2 Day Intensive Signature Course)

Recipe for Prosperity is designed to get you in vibrational harmony with the divine plan for your life. This retreat is an intensive 2 day healing event. You will participate in group activities and individual sessions designed to restore and renew your spirit, your finances, your energy, your relationships, and your vision.

  • Tune, align and balance chakras
  • Clear out blocks in energy channels and cleanse the aura
  • Release energy cords that limit your growth, freedom, and your ability to consciously manifest your goals
  • Experience hands on healing with Rorree.
  • Be guided through healing breath work that empowers you with tools that will heal your life.
  • Experience the art of manifesting, using the power of your mind to transform your life.
  • Receive guidance that will further prepare you for the next exciting phase of your life.
  • and so much more

Manifesting Miracles Retreat (2 Day Retreat)

One key component in Manifesting Miracles is becoming aware of your feelings at any given moment.  The better you feel about something, the more you are allowing yourself to come into alignment with what you desire.  When you have absolute alignment with your Supreme Beings, you know that you are free, you are powerful, you are good, you are love, you have value, you have purpose, and all is well.

In life we sometimes find ourselves wanting to be somewhere that we are not.  You might be struggling financially and you want to have financial freedom.  You might be single and want to have a mate.  You might be slender and want to be a little bigger.  Or you might be a bit heavier in size and want to be more slender.  If you could snap your fingers and be over there, wouldn’t that be great.

To get from here to there is a process.  Part of this process is having the vibration for and affinity for what you desire.  The more you vibrate in what you want, the more you attract the desires to you.  The more you vibrate in the lack of the desire, the more you get of not having the desire.

Manifesting Miracles guides you through specific tools that will allow you to be able to clear the path to receiving your desires and then draw the manifestations into present time. You will discover how to attract and manifest all of the desires of your heart.

The Manifesting Miracles Retreat will show you how to use the power of your mind to transform your life.  You will experience the following during this retreat:

  • Tune, align and balance chakras.
  • Clear blocks and programs that are no longer serving your highest good.
  • Release energy cords that limit your growth, freedom, and your ability to consciously manifest your goals.
  • Receive a time line healing and clearing.
  • Learn the formula to creating success and abundance in your life.
  • Learn the Art of Manifesting; tools designed to move energy to create your desires.
  • You will be taught to harness the power of the mind in order to direct your thought power toward the materialization of abundance and prosperity in your life.
  • Negative programs from your past can be disintegrated, and you can learn to magnetize the energy of success into your life rapidly and easily.
  • Receive a download of a guided meditation teaching you the tools to use at home to manifest your miracles.
  • And much more

What Dreams May Come (2 Day Private Customized Retreat)

The What Dreams May Come Private Retreat is designed for small groups to experience Totally Rorree in an informal home setting with a group of people that the host gathers. The host is able to select people to attend a 5-6 hour event where they will be able to have a customized experience. This will be one of the most powerful amazing experiences you will have. People who have received one on one, hands on treatment from Rorree have felt immediate change.

“I remember one patient during our initial session, shared feelings of hopelessness, no spiritual connection, and not really wanting to be here anymore because of her life’s journey which had her with a condition called Osteonecrosis, where her hips were deteriorating and causing great pain and inability to walk well. The work we did during our first session had her feeling alive again. She smiled and was so grateful and couldn’t wait for our next session. After the second sessions she was skipping with her cane to walk me out of the building and shared that she felt the deep rooted pain rising to the surface as if it were releasing from her body. After the third session we discovered to source of this deteriorating hip as we began the serious healing. Be mindful that no two experiences are the same because we all carry our own code. So just be prepared to feel better and to move forward towards your dreams and desires.”

The What Dreams May Come Private Retreat consist of education on a selected subject matter, intuitive guidance and alternative healing to identify and clear blocks that have been preventing growth, success, and the realization of dreams and desires, Rorree will consult with the attendees prior to the event so that the retreat fulfills all of your needs. There is a maximum of 12 participants for these experiences so that we ensure that everyone receives a Totally Rorree experience.

Recipe 4 Abundance Healing Festival (3 Day Intensive Retreat)

The Recipe4Abundance Healing Festival takes place at the end of each year to prepare you for the year to come. You will participate in group activities and individual sessions designed to restore and renew your spirit, your finances, your energy, your relationships, and your vision. Illness, emotional distress, financial lack, and relational stagnation occur when the life force is interrupted or altered due to negative emotions, destructive belief systems, stress, accidents, pollutants, poor nutrition and so on. This retreat is filled with education and healing so you can see clearly your next steps on your path and prepare you to be ready to take them.

  • Remove negativity from your body’s energy system
  • Help you feel more like your natural self (even if you can’t recall what that is like)
  • Help you overcome the mental, emotional, and spiritual issues that impede your life
  • Help you to love and forgive yourself
  • Accelerate your spiritual growth
  • Help you release emotional pain and trauma
  • Help you prevent or recover from physical illness
  • Help you become happier and healthier and live a richer, fulfilled life
  • Experience various healing modalities from world renowned healing professionals